Why Does God Permit Evil?
by Dom Bruno Webb
176 pp. paperback
Hatred, murder, terrorism, and war spring from the sins of men. But why does God let innocent children suffer from the effects of these evils? Why does He let earthquakes devastate cities, despair drive souls to suicide, and cancer kill humans and animals? Why does He permit unrest and division among the people of a nation?
If we could, we would prevent these evils. Why doesn't God?
If He's good - as our Faith claims - why doesn't He stay the hand of those about to do evil? Why doesn't He keep little ones from violence and death? Indeed, how could He have allowed evil to enter the universe in the first place?
In these pages, Benedictine author Dom Bruno Webb brings you face-to-face with evil. Without fudging or flinching, he answers these hard questions and more. In this slim volume, he gives the most convincing explanation of the mystery of evil that's available today and shows that evil never defeats God.
On the contrary, God uses suffering to destroy the very sin which gives birth to evil. Here you'll come to understand why, despite the evil that wracks the Earth and all the beings on it, God nonetheless assures us through His Saints that "all shall be well..."
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