This chaplet owes its origin to the Carmelite Order. It is a devotion in honor of St. Michael and all the nine choirs of angels.
An information leaflet and velvety drawstring pouch are included.
6mm Lapis Lazuli beads (Grade AAA)
8mm Sterling silver antique single beads
Large Sterling 1.5" St. Michael medal
replica of antique handmade in the USA
Sterling silver wire and chain
Handmade by the Sisters
V. O God, come to my assistance. R. O Lord, make haste to help me. Glory be to the Father, etc.
Before each salutation recite one Our Father and three Hail Marys in honor of the corresponding Choir of Angels.
First Salutation:At the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly choir of Seraphim, may it please God to make us worthy to receive into our hearts the fire of His perfect charity. Amen.
Second Salutation:At the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly choir of the Cherubim, may God grant us grace to abandon the ways of sin and follow the path of Christian perfection. Amen.
Third Salutation: At the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly choir of the Thrones, may it please God to infuse into our hearts a true and earnest spirit of humility. Amen.
Fourth Salutation:At the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly choir of the Dominations, may it please God to grant us the grace to have dominion over our senses and to correct our depraved passions.
Fifth Salutation:At the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly choir of the Powers, may God vouchsafe to keep our souls from the wiles and temptations of the devil. Amen.
Sixth Salutation:At the intercession of St. Michael and the choir of the admirable celestial Virtues, may Our Lord keep us from falling into temptations and deliver us from evil. Amen.
Seventh Salutation:At the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly choir of the Principalities, may it please God to fill our hearts with the spirit of true and hearty obedience. Amen.
Eighth Salutation:At the intercession of St.Michael and the heavenly choir of Archangels, may it please God to grant us the gift of perseverance in the faith and in all good works, that we may thereby be enabled to attain unto the glory of paradise. Amen.
Nineth Salutation:At the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly choir of holy Angels, may God vouchsafe to grant that they may protect us during life, and after death may lead us into the everlasting glory of heaven. Amen.
Then say the Our Father four times:
St. Michael, glorious Prince, chief and champion of the Heavenly host, guardian of the souls of men, conqueror of the rebel angels, steward of the palace of God under Jesus Christ, our worthy leader, endowed with superhuman excellence and virtue: vouchsafe to free us from every ill, who with full confidence have recourse to thee; and by thy incomparable protection enable us to make progress every day in the faithful service of our God. Amen. V. Pray for us, most blessed Michael, Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ. R. That we may be made worthy of His promises.
Let us pray.
Almighty and eternal God, Who in Thine own marvelous goodness and pity, didst, for the common salvation of men, choose the glorious Archangel Michael to be the Prince of Thy Church; make us worthy, we pray Thee, to be delivered by his beneficent protection from all our enemies, that at the hour of our death, none of them may approach to harm us. Rather, do Thou vouchsafe unto us that by the same Archangel Michael we may be introduced into the presence of Thy most high and Divine Majesty. Through the merits of the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Indulgence of 7 years and 7 quarantines. 100 days, daily, for carrying this chaplet on one’s person or kissing the medal with the representation of St. Michael or the holy Angels on it. Plenary indulgence, once a month, under the conditions of confession, Holy Communion and prayer for the intention of the Pope.
Plenary indulgence, under the same conditions, on the following Feast Days: