To Jesus Through Mary
By Fr. Jean-Marie Texier, Montfort Father
185pp. paperback
St. Louis de Montfort called the Marian devotion he taught “a mystery of grace unknown to even the wisest and most spiritual among Christians” (True Devotion to Mary, #21). Montfort Father Jean-Marie Texier was a recognized authority on St. Louis de Montfort and his Marian spirituality. He wrote several books on the subject, and he wanted to help those consecrated to Mary make the greatest progress in living their consecration, gain as many graces as possible, give the greatest glory to God, and ultimately, and have a great reward in Heaven.
For these reasons, he has written a book called To Jesus Through Mary, published for anyone who’s desired to know the easy-to-implement strategies to get the most out of their consecration to Mary and discover what even the “wisest and most spiritual among Christians” don’t know.