Mother Marie of Jesus
Very good
A Carmelite of the Sacred Heart
The Life of Mother Marie of Jesus foundress of the Carmel of Paray-le-Monial France 1853-1917
325 pp. paperback
The story of Mother Marie de Jesus began with her birth on the 26th January, 1853 in Dijon France of the honorable Mercier family.
Mlle. Mercier's father was a man full of faith although he didn't always carry out his duties. He has an instinctive devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Mother Marie de Jesus always attributed her father's deeply religious death to his fidelity in saying the Ave Marie every day. Her mother Mme. Mercier, was a cultured woman, who loved the poor, with a holy respect for the value of alms, which was also a characteristic of the future Foundress of Paray, and she would tell her nuns that she had often heard her mother say "To give alms does not make one poorer, and praying does not make one later!"
Mlle. Mercier's youth flowed on pure and even, and her spiritual life developed a greater depth as she became aware of God's presence in her life.
On the feast of the Epiphany 1870, Marie lost her father, and thirteen months later, her mother died. Now she was alone!
Yet our Lord Jesus Christ was calling her to a holy vocation at the Carmelite Monastery at Dijon, which opened the doors to Mlle. Mercier on the 14th August, 1872 and her great spiritual work for the Sacred Heart of Jesus was ahead of her.....
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